Code of Conduct for Hevold Group with subsidiaries/ Hevold Shipping / Norair / Searunner

Hevold Group has a strong vision of being a reliable freight forwarding company which includes custom-made transport solutions for our clients. It is therefore very important for us to manage our activities in a proper manner including being a responsible company in the community.

Fundamental principles in the areas of human rights, working conditions, the environment and fight against corruption, is one way for us to show our corporate social responsibility throughout the entire value chain of our operations, including our suppliers. Therefore, we also require all our suppliers to agree with Code of Conduct for Suppliers.

The Code of Conduct for Suppliers specifies the minimum standards expected of all suppliers to Hevold Group. If suppliers use subcontractors, the supplier is obliged to apply these ethical guidelines to its subcontractor and contribute to the subcontractors complying with them. The supplier shall document how this is done if asked by Hevold Group. In cases, where internationally recognized conventions and national laws and regulations, deal with the same subject, the highest standard shall always apply provided this in accordance with the prevailing country’s legislation.

Hevold Group expects compliance with the Code of Conduct for Suppliers as a dynamic, rather than static process, and encourages suppliers to continually strive for improvement. To demonstrate and communicate work and improvement toward the principles, the supplier is expected to possess necessary internal instruments (e.g., measuring procedures, tools, and indicators). Hevold Group or a third party assigned by us may conduct reviews or onsite audits to assess the supplier’s progress towards the principles.


The origin of the UN Global Compact principles on human rights is the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).

The supplier shall support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights and avoid being involved in breaches of these. The supplier is to respect the dignity, protection of privacy and personal rights of all people.


The UN Global Compact principles on labour standards are taken from the ILO’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work from 1998.

2.1. Hevold Group expects its suppliers to recognize and respect the rights of employees to freely associate, organize and bargain collectively in accordance with the laws of the countries in which they are employed and in accordance with the ILO conventions Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organize Convention, (C 87, 1948) and Right to Organize and Collective Bargaining Convention (C.98-1949).

2.2. Hevold Group expects its suppliers to prohibit any use of forced, bonded, or indentured labor or involuntary prison labour. All work will be voluntary, and workers should be free to leave upon reasonable notice. Suppliers are to comply, at a minimum, with all wage and working hours laws and regulations, including those pertaining to minimum wages, overtime wages, piece rates and other elements of compensation and to provide legally mandated benefits.

2.3. Hevold Group expects its suppliers to work against all forms of child labour in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child and ILO Minimum Age Convention. Additionally, we expect suppliers to protect all young workers from performing any work that is likely to be hazardous or to interfere with the child’s education.

2.4. Suppliers are not to practice any form of discrimination in hiring and employment practices on the grounds of race, colour, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, physical ability, health condition, political opinion, nationality, social or ethnic origin, union membership or marital status. Everybody shall be treated with respect and have a harassment-free workplace.

2.5. Hevold Group expects its suppliers to ensure its employees do not work under the influence of drugs and alcohol.   


The UN Global Compact principles on the environment are drawn from the Rio Declaration and Agenda 21.

3.1. Hevold Group expects its suppliers to comply with relevant national and international environmental standards. The supplier is to apply a “precautional principle” to pollution, environmental risks, other environmental and climate challenges. In addition, the supplier should promote a responsible environmental policy and manage its operations responsibly in relation to environmental risks and impacts.

3.2. Hevold Group expects its suppliers to have a structured and systematic approach to taking environmental aspects into account, including setting requirements and targets as well as performing follow-ups, and to comply with existing laws, regulations and permits.


The UN Global Compact principle on bribery and corruption is based on the United Nations Convention against Corruption.

4.1 Suppliers are to maintain a high ethical standard, above all in accordance with this Code of Conduct for Suppliers and good business practice. Supplier shall comply with laws and regulations to bribery, corruption, fraud, and all other kinds of illegal business activities. The supplier shall not offer, promise, or give any kind of improper advantages, service or incentives to civil servants, international organizations or other third parties with the aim of obtaining personal or business advantages. This applies irrespective of whether this advantage is offered directly or indirectly through an intermediary.

4.2. Suppliers are expected to avoid conflicts of interest that may compromise the supplier’s credibility. Suppliers are expected not to give or receive improper benefits or benefits that may be regarded as improper remuneration to obtain, retain or direct business or to secure any other improper advantage in the supplier’s business with Hevold Group. Such improper benefits (bribes etc.) may comprise cash, items, pleasure trips or services of another nature.

4.3 The supplier is to refuse to take part in any kind of money laundering.


5.1 Physical abuse or punishment, or threats of physical abuse, sexual or other harassment and verbal abuse, as well as other forms of intimidation, is prohibited.